Thursday, June 9, 2016

Quotes and Musings

"The reason why the Christians in this day are at such a loss as to some things is that they are contented with what comes from man's mouth, without searching and kneeling before God to know of Him the truth of things."
- John Bunyan

We know that the new creation is going to replace everything, like in Daniel 2, the kingdom which God is bringing to this earth is not the kingdoms that are already here. It’s replacing those kingdoms. And so in light of that, we can hold this world loosely as followers of Jesus and we can lay hold of the hope that is far greater than what we see around us in the present landscape. We know that we have a king, a ruler who’s actually going to replace all the mess that we experienced in our everyday life with his eternal kingdom. As we’re living in the time in between Jesus’ comings, we’re living these lives of faithful presence, holiness, and godliness like Peter talks about in 2 Peter 3, waiting for the day of the Lord.” 
- Justin Holcomb

Revival starts when someone makes a decision to abandon everything to God, to deal ruthlessly with all known sin, to be found daily in the presence of the King, to adopt a submissive and obedient heart, to live unashamed and honored to be known as a follower of Jesus and to pray, 'Not my will but your's be done.' 

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