Thursday, August 4, 2016

Quotes and Musings

Let him that thinketh he standeth take heed lest he fall. 1 Cor. 10:12

"Angels fell in Heaven, Adam in paradise, Peter in Christ’s presence." - Theophilus Polwheile

One does not surrender his life in an instant. That which is lifelong can only be surrendered in a life time. - Elizabeth Elliot

When our primary motive becomes trusting God, however, we suddenly discover there is nothing in the world that pleases Him more! Until you trust God, nothing you do will please God. --Lynch, John; McNicol, Bruce; Thrall, Bill (2011-11-17). The Cure: What If God Isn't Who You Think He Is And Neither Are You (Kindle Locations 414-415). Cross Section Ventures, Inc.. Kindle Edition.

Guilt wants to lead us to forgiveness, to be cleaned. Shame drives us to hide, convinced we cannot truly be forgiven or made clean. -- Lynch, John; McNicol, Bruce; Thrall, Bill (2011-11-17). The Cure: What If God Isn't Who You Think He Is And Neither Are You (Kindle Locations 414-415). Cross Section Ventures, Inc.. Kindle Edition.

I have noticed that those who demand heaven on earth here and now— instant health, wealth, happiness, or holiness— often become the most embittered, hostile, and disillusioned critics of Christianity.-- Horton, Michael (2010-07-27). A Place for Weakness: Preparing Yourself for Suffering (p. 48). Zondervan. Kindle Edition.

There is no theology-free experience. -- Michael Horton

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