Wednesday, July 27, 2016

Quotes and Musings 7.27.16

“If we emphasize only the legal aspect of salvation, then we leave people with only one thing. Rather, we should say that because of the legal, there’s all these other benefits. You need to know that you aren’t poor before God, that you have Christ’s merit. You’re not disgusting and filthy, but you are robed in the righteousness of Christ and that you’re not outside of the family of God...

“There’s three big images for shame in the Bible and they match up with the things we’re talking about, naked, defiled and outside the camp. And it’s a joy to tell people, Jesus was all three of those. He was made naked and he was defiled and he was crucified outside the camp so you are robed, you are clean and you are now adopted, the beauty of adoption and J.I. Packer said, justification is the blessing on which adoption is founded. It’s the crown blessing to which justification clears the way.” Justin Holcomb

What is the gospel? The Great Exchange: "There are three imputations in Scripture: Adam's sin to us, our sin to Christ, and Christ's righteousness to us. And if any one of them goes, the gospel goes with it..." ~ Kim Riddlebarger

"We sometimes imagine that God is just like us, only bigger, smarter, and more powerful. God, however, is not just more than we are. He is in a class all by himself." - CCC Discover

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