The following is from
Kris Vallotton.
Insecurity relegates you to a small, insignificant place, with other scared people.
But confidence in your identity will help you to attract other champions around you, so you can collaboratively conquer promised lands.
Insecure people:
- spend a lot of their time comparing themselves to others.
- fear strong, gifted people.
- are only comfortable around people who need them.
- need to control everyone in their world.
- build cases against people in their minds to feel better about themselves.
- take people's compliments to others as an insult to themselves.
- think "me" instead of "us."
- are overly self-conscious.
- live in conflict all the time.
Confident people:
- celebrate others.
- are comfortable around gifted, powerful people.
- love empowering people.
- spend a lot of time thinking about the destiny of others.
- see themselves as a catalyst to the destiny of others.
- love themselves and are comfortable with who they are.
- are vulnerable about their weaknesses, flaws, and constraints.
- enjoy seeing others honored.
- live in peace.
If you see yourself among the insecure, here are a few things you should do:
- Take a 30 minute vacation and ask Jesus what He thinks about you.
- Record His insights into your life and meditate on them.
- Search the Scriptures for verses about your identity in Christ and write them on your bathroom mirror. Repeat them as you are getting ready in the morning.
- Take a 40-day journey through the life of the people around you. Record at least 3 strengths of everyone who is regularly in your world. This will help change the WAY you think about others. You will get in the habit of looking for gold.
- Tell a few close friends about your flaws and your fears. Practice being transparent; it will deliver you from shame.
- Take time to consciously imagine the best about two people who intimidate you.
- Forgive yourself for any past failure. Re-MIND yourself that you may have failed, but you are not a failure.
- Invest in anyone you are jealous of. Then their victory will be your victory.
- Write down 50 things you are thankful for.
- Write a short note to 5 people you appreciate in your life.
If you do these things for 40 straight days, it will deliver you from the land of insecurity.
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